kid sister
The screaming possibility of a life beyond.
Kid Sister is a sparkling, synth-pop dedication to the ways we fill in the blanks when there’s nowhere else to turn. It’s a heart-targeted surreal hike to the crest of imagination and grief.
kid sister
Premiere: July 2023, Festival of Dance Annapolis Royal (Annapolis Royal, NS)
January 2024, Live Art Dance (Halifax, NS)
November 2023, CAPACOA (Ottawa, ON)
August 2023, Sharing the Stage with the National Ballet of Canada (Toronto, ON)
Duration: 20 - 30 minutes (flexible)
Number of Performers: 4
Available for touring.
watch an excerpt
Kid Sister
Choreography & Direction: Alyssa Martin
Collaborators & Performers: Drew Berry, Brayden Jamil Cairns, Sam Grist, Sierra Kellman, Jessica Mak, Natasha Poon Woo, Morgyn Aronyk-Schell, Steph Harkness
Original Music: Jacob Vanderham aka Telehorn
Lighting Designers: Noah Feaver, A.J. Morra, Jeff Logue
Stage Managers: A.J. Morra, Kathy Le
• Toronto Arts Council
• The National Ballet of Canada through CreativAction Open Space Programme
Photos by Alyssa Martin
Video excerpt filmed August 2023 at The National Ballet of Canada's Sharing the Stage Programme, Harbourfront Centre Concert Stage (Toronto, ON)